ACU Safeguarding Children Capability Framework

This Capability Framework informs all courses, programs, services and information provided by ACU.

Authors: ICPS

The ACU Safeguarding Children Capability Framework informs all courses, programs, services and information provided by ACU. The Framework draws on research by the ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies and the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, as well as government standards, such as the Victorian Government’s Child-Safe Standards, which apply to all organisations providing services to children and young people up to the age of 18.

The child-safe standards and principles that have been articulated by the Royal Commission and Victorian Government encourage organisations to develop approaches to child safety that reflect the nature of their work. In order to do this effectively, organisational leaders and professionals must develop the relevant capabilities to undertake appropriate risk assessment, be equipped to identify and examine the issues, and tailor organisational responses. To facilitate this, ACU identified the capabilities that adults need to have, in order to implement child-safe organisational standards.

The Framework includes the following six capabilities:

  1. Nature of abuse and risk factors
  2. Child-safe organisational cultures and governance
  3. Risk-management strategies
  4. Participation of children and young people
  5. Education and prevention
  6. Responsive care and support

ACU has framed the capabilities in relation to what adults need to know and do within their organisations and sectors to keep children safe, and to create the conditions of safety that support effective prevention and responses to harm.

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Kids Helpline

1800 55 1800

This portal is aimed at people working in youth-serving organizations to help them better prevent and respond to harm to children.

If you would like to talk to a trained professional about what you’ve seen on the Portal, or need help, please call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.


If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger, call Police on 000.

Emergency and safety

Further information

For further information on crisis responses and reporting child abuse and neglect, see: Australian Institue of Family Studies website.

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