Emeritus Professor Morag McArthur was the founding Director of the Institute of Child Protection Studies (ICPS), before transferring to the social work program in the ACU's School of Allied Health, in 2016. Emeritus Professor McArthur has conducted and managed research and evaluation projects for government,
non-government and community organisations, successfully bridging the gap between research, policy and practice.
Emeritus Professor McArthur’s research expertise includes research with children and young people about sensitive issues, participatory research and evaluation methodologies, child protection policy and practice, early intervention and prevention, drug and alcohol policy and practice, and workforce issues in the human services.
In relation to safeguarding children and young people in institutions, Emeritus Professor McArthur was a Chief Investigator on research projects commissioned by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which explored children and young people’s views, perceptions and experiences of safety in institutions. Although this work has concluded, Emeritus Professor McArthur continues to conduct research to support organisations to improve their capacity to safeguard children and young people.
View a selection of publications by Professor Morag McArthur on her ORCID profile
This portal is aimed at people working in youth-serving organizations to help them better prevent and respond to harm to children.
If you would like to talk to a trained professional about what you’ve seen on the Portal, or need help, please call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.
If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger, call Police on 000.
Emergency and safety
For further information on crisis responses and reporting child abuse and neglect, see: Australian Institue of Family Studies website.